

 Bill Pook 


 Mike Billington 

 Poetry & Lyrics 










Dave's Fish (B Pook)

Dave's fish live in a Belfast sink
That sits on four bricks
Beneath a rowan tree with berries of bliss.
The fish make Dave think.
Dave wants to know what water feels like to fish.
So Dave asks his fish. And the fish reply,
"Dave we really like the way you cock your head
With your mouth half open like a dope
When you feed us.
We really like that Dave.
Dave we really like you.
So this is what water feels like to us fish.
In summer it's like honey when the nights are cold
It's like a crystal bowl but most of all
Water's forgiving."

Dave felt he understood this.
But, well, fish are curious, fish are.
They asked Dave,
"Dave, why do you want to know what water feels like to us fish?"
They pressed him further.
"Dave," they asked, "Do you breathe air?"
"Well, yes," said Dave with his head cocked and his mouth half open.
"Well?" they asked, "what does air feel like to you?"
And Dave replied, "Air feels like hair;
Thousands of hairs floating in the breeze
Air is a language hanging in the trees.
Air is blood pulsing through its leaves.
But most of all; air just makes me feel wanted."

And the fish smiled their big fishy smiles and said,
"We know Dave."

Thoughts on a slug. (B Pook)
Oh glorious gastropod.
You snot your humble path through my neighbour's chrysanths.
Oh marvellous slug.
I admire your doleful wanderings. Your gummy mucoid unctuousness.
Your inertia drives me to distraction.

Gorilla. (B Pook)
Come swing in my arms, I've got the gibbon in me.
Come into my arms I'll give you the monkey.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

On a reed boat for two we'll ride down the Congo
Two humping simians dancing the rango rango.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

We'll swansong down the Zambesi after the moon's terrible glow
Eating paw paw and yam jam and sweet egg of the Yo.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

We'll go bizarre in Kinshasa to the great market and tat
For clothes with no sleeves on and savage breathe of the cat.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

I'm baboon for you honey. I ape for you much, much.
Cling to the monkey and mandril to my crutch.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

On the backs of cattle and crock down the Nile in style
Two humping simians thumping the while, the while.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

We'll feed on the great white rat on mamba, gecko and geek.
Then we'll lust to our beds on the veldt, but the veldt will be too lovely to speak.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

We'll have little ones in dozens eating bananas in sin.
Never mind the white hunters, just push the monkey in.
I'm gorilla for you baby.
And when old age is rapid, broken bones, dried blood.
I'll still give you the monkey 'til the rains turn us to mud.
I'm gorilla for you baby.

Heavy Heads. (B Pook)

The time is 1587; the place Fotheringay castle.
Bees are fussing among the bright flowers.
Their fidgeting reaping in the soft pollen.
The throb of mosquito dancing their tattoo
On the shimmering skin of early morning light.
None of this appealed to Mary;
To Mary whose head was on the block.
To Mary who was about to be decapitated.
Which was unfortunate.
But more unfortunate was the inept axeman
Whose first blow, slightly off the mark,
Drew a long moan from the assembled gathering.
Which indicated the agonies Mary was going through.
For her head now hangs only by a sliver of flesh and gristle.
Still attached to her trembling, handsome body.
And the axeman; he's now a knifeman cutting furiously
And uttering apology and prayer into Mary's gaping neck.

Heavy head. Heavy head.

How much does a human head weigh?
My canoeing instructor, when teaching me the Eskimo roll,
Declared that the average human head weighs 4.25 kilograms.

Heavy head. Heavy head.

How can we measure the weight of a head?
Decapitation is one way. Another is volume.
Lower a, preferably bald, volunteer headfirst into a bucket of water.
Filled to the brim.
Lower said head until water laps to the chin.
Water then spilled over the side is collected and its volume measured.
Do this five times.
The average water displaced is measured and found to be approximately 4.25 litres
Or 4.25kg weight of head.

Heavy head. Heavy head.

As a milkman for the Co-op in the seventies I experienced one of the coldest winters.
I stepped out in a stark, staring, stone cold morning.
Where everything was locked in ice.
I had six hundred bottles to deliver.
And all I wanted to do was to get back to my warm hearth.
I rushed around my round eager to get home early,
Little noticing my head getting heavier as my float got lighter.
Finally I made my way back to the dairy.
At the bottle bank the bottling lads Neil, Harry and Fisher burst out laughing.
I asked what they were laughing at.
Fisher went to the washroom and brought back a mirror.
Which he held in front of me.
I hardly recognised the iceman staring back at me.
A beard with icicles hanging down to my chest. My…

Heavy Head. Heavy Head.

Woof! Woof! (B Pook)

I've got a new friend her name is Tess
She's been much abused, in fact she's a mess.
With her tail beneath her legs and her belly on the floor
That first day she couldn't do more.
Oh Tess so meek and mild you really are just like a child.

Well I worried about Tess and her pain
Wondering what to do to get her right again.
So I started with the fleas that covered her body.
I gave her a bath and shampoo and now she smells lovely.
Oh Tess so meek and mild you really are just like a child.

Well the fleas have gone but the pain remains.
Her eyes full of tears but no tear stains.
Well she'd pad up to me and with a little shove
She'd place her head on my knee because all she wanted was love.
Oh Tess so meek and mild you really are just like a child.

Well she's great with kids so gentle and tame.
But with men; well that's another ball game.
She snarls and she barks and she makes like a critter.
D'you know what I think? I think a man hit her!

Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.
Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.
Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.
Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.

Gav gav, gav gav privet my dobra pierc.
Gav gav, gav gav privet my dobra pierc.
Gav gav, gav gav privet my dobra pierc.
Gav gav, gav gav privet my dobra pierc.

Vau vau, vau vau, allo mein lieber hund.
Vau vau, vau vau, allo mein lieber hund.
Vau vau, vau vau, allo mein lieber hund.
Vau vau, vau vau allo mein lieber.....

Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.
Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.
Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.
Woof woof! Woof woof! Hello my doggy friend.

To commemorate the banning of smoking in public places (Pook)

Sleeping with Alveoli

Romancing the respiratory bag

Cough up that mucus lining

Phlegm fatale of the last gasp fag.

All lyrics copyright Epona Music
CORVUS have asserted their intellectual rights to the lyrics, compositions and arrangements of the material on the album gloves of the skin of a fish